Degenerative disc disease is a term used to describe the deterioration that occurs in the vertebrae and other parts of the spine. The small discs within the spine can begin to narrow and harden over time making them less able to absorb shock. When the small discs are healthy, they act as a cushion, absorbing shock and allowing the spine to move and flex. With degenerative disc disease, the spine becomes less flexible and more rigid.
As the small discs become more compressed, bone spurs can begin to form on the vertebrae and spinal nerves can be pinched. This can cause pain, numbness and inflammation in the extremities. The lumbar region of the spine is where many patients report the most severe cases of back pain. As the pain increases, so does a person's mobility. By visiting a chiropractor in Orange County, you can learn a variety of ways to help improve mobility and increase range of motion.
What Causes Spinal Disc Degeneration?
Several factors can cause discs to degenerate. Specific factors include:
- The drying out of the disc. As we age, the disc dries out and doesn't absorb shocks as well
- Daily activities and sports can cause tears in the outer core of the disc
- Injuries can cause swelling, soreness and instability
Diagnosis of Degenerative Disc Disease
The diagnosis is based on a physical examination and medical history, including a description of symptoms and the circumstances regarding when and where the pain started. An MRI scan will show the damage on the discs; however, it alone cannot confirm degenerative disc disease.
Treatment of Degenerative Disc Disease
Treatment options to go along with physical activity and exercise to increase back strength include:
- Physical therapy
- Medications: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, naproxen sodium), pain relievers (acetaminophen)
- Surgery for: artificial disc replacement, spinal fusion
- Heat and cold therapy
- Spinal mobilization
Early detection and treatment can help prevent degenerative disc disease from becoming a major health concern. Degenerative disc disease cannot be cured, but its progression can be slowed down dramatically. By strengthening the core muscles, adding vital nutrients to the diet, and visiting a massage therapist and chiropractor in Orange County regularly, you can alleviate much of the discomfort associated with the condition.
If you are suffering from pain or discomfort due to spinal disc degeneration and want to alleviate it without drugs or surgeries, contact us or visit our chiropractic center in Tustin, CA. Our safe and effective treatments will help you improve both physically and mentally.