Wednesday, 17 October 2018

How Chiropractic Treatment Helps Back Pain from Golf

Golf is a great hobby that has many health benefits. Besides the love for golf, both novice and professionals have something in common: back pain. It is important for a golfer to have the correct posture, flexibility and the right balance to reduce the chances of back pain due to golf. Chiropractic care helps golfers in reducing their back pain and avoiding the side effects of medication or surgery.

Reasons for Back Pain
The major reasons for back pain can be:
  • Degeneration of joints
  • Muscle strain
  • Internal disc disruption or herniation
  • Usually, the abnormal body movements from other parts of the body force the lower part of the body to do excessive work until it gets exhausted. Actually, the extra working of your lower back results in an injury.
  • Golfers who play on the weekends and lack fitness or who don't warm-up and have poor swing mechanics are more prone to injuries.

How Chiropractic Care and Golf is Linked

Golf requires coordination between different body parts and muscles of your body. If one muscle or one part of your body does not perform optimally, it causes other parts to overcompensate, leading to pain. Also, if your spine is not aligned properly, it can cause your body to suffer. Playing golf with a poor spine alignment can cause poor posture and injuries. Chiropractic care helps your body to perform optimally.

How Chiropractic Treatment Reduces Back Pain

Chiropractors normally use spinal manipulation and some other techniques to alleviate back pain. Spinal manipulation stimulates the body's self-healing abilities. Spine realignment helps in reducing pressure on the central nervous system. The chiropractor applies pressure on key parts of the back for the realignment of the spine to alleviate pain. Massages are also an integral part of the treatment.

When you visit a chiropractor for the very first time, you are asked to describe the symptoms, and an x-ray test is conducted to assess the condition. Afterward, the chiropractor prepares a treatment plan which requires you to visit the chiropractor's office multiple times over a long period of time for pain therapy.

Chiropractic treatment is non-invasive and effective. You feel the relief quite sooner.

Active Chiropractic & Laser Center is a leading chiropractor in Tustin, California having years of experience in providing effective chiropractic services. If you play golf and are experiencing back pain, call us immediately at (714) 639-4640.