Tuesday 18 August 2020

Active Chiropractic Shares Why Stretching Is Important

Do you ever feel that your muscles are in pain when you sit in one position for too long or do some physical activity without taking a break? Have you ever experienced feeling lethargic instead of fresh when you wake up in the morning?

Why Stretching Is Important

This happens when you don’t stretch your body routinely. Active Chiropractic stresses keeping one’s muscles, tendons, and ligaments flexible through regular stretching.

Stretching is a form of physical exercise in which a specific muscle is purposely stretched or flexed to improve its elasticity and achieve a comfortable muscle tone. This results in feelings of increased flexibility, muscle control, and range of motion.

Stretching Keeps Your Muscles Flexible

Now, when it comes to the importance of stretching, we already know that it keeps the muscles flexible. Not only this, but it also keeps them strong and healthy. We need that kind of flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles tend to shorten or, worse, become tight. This, in turn, puts one at risk of joint pain, strains, or muscle damage.

Here are a few easy tips and tricks on how to practice stretching the right way.

Stretching Tips and Tricks

  • Warm-up first - Start with simple movements like marching in place with your arms swinging for 2-3 minutes or just moving your body to the beat of a song.
  • Feel no pain - One should always remember to do stretching exercises only to the point of little tension. If it hurts, stop immediately and rest in your position carefully before trying again.
  • Pay attention to posture and form - Whether you’re sitting, standing or moving, posture ALWAYS counts. A gain in flexibility translates to good form.
  • Focus on the muscles being stretched - You can easily notice that one side of your body is often more strained and tighter than the other. Make sure you work on balancing this in time.
  • Breathe - Breathe comfortably while stretching. Don’t hold your breath while you stretch.
  • Practice often - You’ll get better if you stretch consistently. Aim to stretch at least two or three times a week.

Few Easy Stretching Exercises

  • To loosen up, try doing the easy head to toe routine. Deepen each stretch with exhalation and stop if you feel any pain.
  • The ‘Runner’s Stretch’ is great for the lower body, especially the hamstrings and hip flexors.
  • In ‘Forward Fold,’ one needs to concentrate on the legs and hamstrings. It is also a chest and shoulder opening exercise.
  • ‘Seated Back Twist’ helps in improving back pain and increases mobility.
  • The ‘Bound Angle’ is very effective for both men and women as it helps decrease tension in the hips and muscles on the inside of the thighs.

Active Chiropractic and Stretching Resources

Active Chiropractic & Laser Center provides you with a variety of healthcare services, including chiropractic stretching treatments. You can choose a chiropractor of your choice and get started with your muscle treatment right away. All you have to do is fill a simple form online to receive a complimentary consultation.