Friday 18 August 2023

How to Regain Your Balance and Coordination with Good Chiropractic Care

Your body's balance is controlled by information from your eyes, inner ears, various joints, and muscles. When balance system is operating normally, you can easily stand, walk, or perform more complicated movements.

The problem begins when your brain starts to receive conflicting messages from any of these structures. It is important to note that balance problems usually occur when you're older, and, in some cases, due to joint conditions such as arthritis.

Balance Issues May Be Related to These 3 Things:

  • Misalignments: Keep in mind that even a slight misalignment in your joints, bones, or muscles can affect your balance. Such issues often surface when you fall accidentally or over use a particular joint. It can also occur due to poor posture and normal wear over time.

  • Nerve Issues: Sometimes, your balance issues may be due to some problem with your nerves. For example, you may have misaligned muscles, bones, or tendons that can press against your nerves, interrupting the signals sent between your brain and various parts of your body. This can cause poor coordination, dizziness, vertigo, and loss of balance.

  • Abnormal Walking: The way you walk may also contribute to your balance issues.

How Can Chiropractors Help to Regain Your Balance and Coordination?

Chiropractors make use of a wide variety of therapies that can help to improve your alignment, balance, and nerve function. For example, a spinal adjustment is usually helpful in improving the alignment of the vertebrae in your neck and back. Once this is done, your posture, nerve function, strength, and muscle balance will improve. This means your body will regain its balance and coordination.

On the other hand, chiropractic treatment can help you regain your strength quickly if your issues are related to an injury. In addition to these, your chiropractor can also teach you certain exercises that will help support your joints and strengthen your muscles. A chiropractor can also give you tips on how to improve your walk and posture.

Are you looking for chiropractic treatment to fix your balance problems? We are here to help you! Schedule an appointment today and schedule an appointment.